My policy for writing reference letters
Many students request reference letters. You must meet the following criteria for me to consider your request:
You have received an A- or higher in at least one course I have taught you
I recognize you from your class participation and/or from your attendance at department events such as seminars
You have a 7.0 or higher UVic GPA in STEM courses (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics). This includes economics courses
Provided you meet all the above criteria, please email me your request. For me to consider writing you a letter, your email should include the following:
Your current transcript
A brief description of each program in which you are interested, with a link to the program’s website and a checklist detailing the minimum admission requirements and confirming you meet them
Your curriculum vitae
Your Statement of Purpose (you can save this until after I agree to write you a letter, but you should start early)
A list of your other letter writers
A picture of yourself (if you are comfortable with this) to help remind me who you are